

My story is the poignant journey of a Jewish woman set free by Jesus, or Yeshua in Hebrew. By His death and resurrection, Jesus rescued me from darkness, depression  and futility. Somehow, in a way I cannot even begin to fathom, He miraculously brought treasures and purpose out of my failures—not despite my failures, but because of them. In many ways, the story of my redemption parallels a rainbow in the night.

At times, I felt dark and devoid of purpose, but all along every bright and beautiful hue was visible to my Creator. Just like the radiant colors of a lunar rainbow are revealed by a long-exposure photograph, after decades of walking with the Lord, vivid shades began emerging from my darkness. Over the years, the Lord has made visible to me the luminous colors of my life, colors that had been previously veiled from my sight.

I am very grateful the Lord has granted me deeper and deeper healing.  He has opened my eyes to the brilliance of His work in my life so I can bring hope and encouragement to others.


What would probably strike you the most about Goldie is her unquenchable joy. Vivacious Jane “Goldie” Winn is not only an author, a speaker, life coach, talented musician with a beautiful voice who plays a mean sax, she is now also a movie producer.

Deeply caring and fiercely loyal, she is a sensitive life coach and counselor as well as a committed friend who truly knows how to listen. And it would probably shock you to learn that years ago she was a very different person—deeply troubled, persistently self-centered and profoundly depressed.

Goldie unveils the secret to her joy in her book, Rainbow in the Night: A Journey of Redemption (now also a movie!). She unravels the mystery of how the Lord gently but firmly lifted her up and out of that place of darkness and into the multicolored rainbow of His love. When Goldie learned how the King unquestionably loves her, she couldn’t help but be transformed into His image by the greatness and the beauty of that love. Goldie has come to appreciate the fulfillment of this promise from Isaiah,

“I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places,  so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel,  who summons you by name.”  Isaiah 45:3 NIV

And because of His great love for you, He invites you to take this adventure with Goldie.  Read the book and also watch her openhearted and compelling story unfold in the poignant and redemptive film, Rainbow in the Night.

Visit for more about Goldie and her book.

Rainbow in the Night

A Journey of Redemption


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Rainbow in the Night: A Journey of Redemption authored by Jane Goldie Winn author. speaker. life coach, movie producer, singer, saxophone player

There are so many people who are hurting and unable to move away from their painful past.  I wrote Rainbow in the Night and worked with an awesome team to produce the movie to transparently share my story in a way that those who are stuck and hopeless could identify with my pain. And more importantly, I want them to truly know that hope and freedom are possible.

It took 20 years to complete the book because my path required layers and layers of surrender!  I pray my journey inspires others to embark on—or to continue—their own journeys of surrender and healing. 

My vision for my story on film was to portray my life in a very cogent way. The strategy was to convincingly present my struggles, hurts, abuse, disappointments, and loss of hopes and dreams—but always against the backdrop of the constant working of the Lord behind the scenes. Praise the Lord, the Rainbow in the Night movie is having a great impact as a tool not only to give hope but also to present the need for salvation. Glory to God! —Goldie