Rainbow in the Night Movie Reviews & Comments
We’d LOVE to hear your review or comment! You can email it to Goldie at: goldalah@icloud.com
Pastor Todd Joyner from Church in the Gardens in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, shares a review from the movie screening of Rainbow in the Night at his church.
See pics and more about the Rainbow in the Night movie screening on the Gallery page.
To book a Rainbow in the Night movie screening at your church or big event, contact Goldie. Email: goldalah@icloud.com · Cell: 215-990-7752
Pastor Mike and Cheryl Goldbloom review the Rainbow in the Night movie screening held at Shalom Assembly Church in PA on 5.26.24.
Debbie reviews “Rainbow in the Night” movie!
Alberto shared his review of “Rainbow in the Night” movie at Iglesia Fe Y Vida in South Florida.
“Rainbow in the Night” movie screening review from a member of Iglesia Fe Y Vida in South Florida.
Avdiel Escalante and his mother Teresa share their review of Rainbow in the Movie via FaceTime. https://youtube.com/watch?v=bfxkG7YqPBE&feature=shared
“Rainbow in the Night” movie review with Eileen Lemelman!
Cindy Rosenthal shares how the movie “Rainbow in the Night” personally impacted her. https://youtu.be/tvLYeVeEtcM
Goldie interviews Ellen Kestecher about Rainbow in the Night movie.
Watch the Rainbow in the Night movie reviews from a RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT MOVIE IN-HOME WATCH PARTY in Texas!

This compelling review was written by parents who were present at a Rainbow in the Night Movie Watch Party for older teens when Goldie was in Texas (September 2023)
Rainbow in the Night is a documentary that peers deep into one of the most contentious and emotionally charged issues of our time: abortion. The heart of the documentary lies in its use of story to take the issue of abortion from philosophical debate to practical reality while providing a beautiful view of God’s redeeming grace and love found in Jesus Christ. Goldie’s story is raw, emotional, and unapologetically honest, highlighting the truth, reality, and consequences of abortion that are often lost in polarizing debate. It doesn’t shy away from the painful stories of regret, guilt, and sorrow experienced by those who feel they must choose such a path. It encourages dialogue, compassion, and understanding, transcending the political divides that often surround this issue. By exploring the realities and consequences of abortion through the lens of faith and redemption, the documentary challenges viewers to consider a better path—one where abortion never has to be the answer, while making “come as you are” healing and forgiveness in Christ accessible for those who bear the emotional scars of abortion. This documentary is a powerful tool for immersing older teens in the truth about abortion and God’s saving grace that they simply can’t get any other way in today’s culture.
—Scott & Miranda Fleming
Very well done! Genuine, heartfelt and relatable. Very moving and powerful. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your story in such a graceful way. You are brave and a blessing to all.
Missie Nelaj
Having spent many years in Messianic work, I appreciated Goldie Winn’s concise and frank testimony in “Rainbow in the Night.” In that it is such high quality, I know it will be a vehicle that will win many to the Savior—both Jews and non-Jews. It was a good vehicle to remind me that we take the gospel “to the Jew first.”
Jan Markell
Olive Tree Ministries
Dear Goldie,
WOW! I just finished seeing your movie. I am truly amazed at how you did this without a script! It is a beautiful and emotional story you are telling from your childhood, hippie years, abortion, and your find of religion to Jesus. I love the music and I can see how this story will touch so many lives. I was in tears at the end. Most of all I am so proud of you and what you have accomplished. You truly do have lots of babies to love!
Very powerful testimony! Found myself rededicating myself to the Lord at the end. Thank you so much for sharing your story and using it to protect God‘s creation. Take care and God bless your ministry.
Bethany Bruder
If you are looking for an honest conversation about pain, dysfunction, redemption and forgiveness, then this is the movie for you. In about an hour and 16 minutes Goldie (Jane) Winn shares her story with pictures and an occasional re-creation of the many events that led to her miraculous healing. Her life could have had a different outcome had she not been introduced to the Messiah who filled her with joy, who loved her and helped her to love and forgive herself. He helped her find her true path in life, which is to help others the way she had been helped. Often with tears in her eyes, Goldie shares her personal struggles and how together with the help of God and her wonderful husband Dave, she learned to overcome, and the result is nothing short of miraculous.
Ethel Chadwick
“That was powerful” was my husband’s first response and I have to agree. What a brave soul you are Jane “Goldie” Winn. You are so vulnerable, authentic and raw as you share the story of your life. God is using you for His purposes and what a blessing that you and Dave have kingdom mindsets!
Mary & Frank
Shalom Goldie,
Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony with us at Shalom Ministries Prayer House in Stow, Ohio. It was truly an encouragement to all of us.
You’ve paid a great price, and continue to do so, but it’ll be worth it in the end. May the G-d of Israel bless the work of your hands.
Blessings & Shalom,
Eileen Fitzgerald, VP, Akron Shalom Ministries
Tehellim (Psalms) 122:6 – Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee.
Hi Matt, Tim, and Goldie,
Rainbow in the Night was incredible! I was so excited to see it come to the big screen, and it far exceeded my expectations :). The Lord’s hand was upon you all as you produced this movie for sure, and Yeshua was indeed glorified throughout!
Goldie has a complex story, and you handled it so well, keeping the pace without getting bogged down with details. Goldie was so very vulnerable and spoke from her heart, her emotions at times spilling over; she was so genuine it felt as if I was sitting in her living room with her and she was sharing her story for the very first time.
Goldie, you truly spoke about your father with honor. Difficult things needed to be said to fully understand your testimony, but through it all, I could feel your true forgiveness of him and surrender of the hold he had on you. You spoke of him respectfully, giving plenty of screen time to the good he did for so many. Your ability to forgive so fully sets the bar for us all.
Although this was your story, Goldie, it was also Dave and your story together, for although he was behind the scenes much of the time, he was with you every step of the way. The way you two have walked this journey together is very inspiring for me for my own marriage.
I felt the way the movie was laid out, with the B-roll interlaced between Goldie’s monologue, was engaging and so smoothly done. The B-roll really complemented her story and added to it. Beautifully done.
Loved the altar call at the end! Brilliant, and I pray many will take that step of commitment to Christ.
I believe this movie is not the finish line, but the starting line, and that God will enlarge it and expand it to reach greater and greater audiences.
May the Lord richly bless each of you and your families, and shower you with His peace and grace.
Dr. Celeste Li
Thanks, Celeste, for having the vision and love for Goldie and her story to bring it to us. God truly has anointed this project. Matt did a brilliant job on telling this story. And the Holy Spirit is all over Goldie. Thanks for being obedient, Celeste.
Tim Popadic
Executive Director | Rainbow in the Night Movie
It’s so amazing to hear about what God’s doing already thru this film and your story Goldie. I can’t believe it happened! Feels like just yesterday we were discussing ideas, and now it’s been viewed. Congratulations to everyone. And thank you for your faith in me. It was an honor to be a part of telling this story. And I, for one, can’t wait to hear about the stories of what God is going to do through this story in the days and weeks to come.
Matt Ball | Executive Producer
Collideascope Studios Limited
513.617.7980 | Matt@CScopeStudios.com
Dear Goldalah,
Your movie is so amazing and totally captivating from the beginning to the end. You and all the crew did a magnificent job. It will be life-transforming for MANY people worldwide. To God be all the glory for the miraculous things He has done! My heart breaks for all the pain you, Dave, and Esther had to endure, but it’s so beautiful to see all the redemption that God brought by His lovingkindness and mercy that endures forever. Hallelujah!!! Glory to Yeshua!
Lots of love, hugs & prayers,
Cynthia T.
Cathy and I just had the joyous privilege of watching your film. Thank you for your powerful and loving testimony. Jane was the spokesperson, but the story is of God adopting into His holy family, Joseph, Mary and Jesus, and blessing three very beautiful people, Dave, Jane and Samuel with His eternal love. Thank you for your witness to God’s love and mercy. God bless.
Oh, Goldie, I don’t know if I can really convey how grateful I am for you in general but now having fully heard your story thru your movie I am really honored you were and are in my life. It is so wonderful the mission you have and each baby you are able to help live I know is truly your child. What an amazing, fulfilling end result to all your suffering.
Also I need to say how proud I am of you as a sister in the Lord that you took your pain and you are able to completely honor your parents w/o blame, w/o condemnation in all of your story. That my dear friend, to me, is a huge miracle of how God’s love is meant to be. Not to mention the 5th commandment. Oh and how you did not judge but simply told the facts. I am inspired. I love you.
Linda C.
This is a beautiful testimonial of Goldie’s life and an inspiring documentary movie made with the loving support of her husband, Dave. It has a powerful impact on all those who see it and will surely bring rich rewards for God’s kingdom, bringing great healing for our nation as this love for women goes forth through Goldie’s story and First Care, the organization that Dave and Goldie support.
I highly recommend the Rainbow in the Night movie being shown in many venues and recommend to everyone to go see it if you have the opportunity or rent it on VIMEO.
You will not be disappointed and you will be helping to bring hope and healing not only to women but also to our nation, which needs to hear and will benefit immeasurably from the message of the Rainbow in the Night movie.
God bless you, Dave and Goldie!
Bette Hinesley
I recently had the privilege of viewing the Rainbow in the Night movie at a private showing at CHURCH IN THE GARDENS. Although I have known Goldie and Dave Winn for years, I had no idea of their story.
I was stunned at the parallels of our lives and was so grieved Goldie had to go through so much heartbreak. Her documentary was beautifully done. I was riveted to the screen. Very moving. Highly recommended.
Gari Goldberg-DiStefano, Author